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Dec 05, 2010 Emily May rated it really liked it Shelves: plays, classics In terms of language and style, Romeo and Juliet might possibly be the best of all Shakespeare's work. It's crammed full of some of the most beautiful poetry I've ever had the pleasure of reading. But the story of lust-filled teens sacrificing themselves because of an extreme burst of instalove?

Between Romeo & Juliet both crying, moping, and twirling around like tweenage girls and the rest of the cast flailing around to accommodate these idiots, this was waaaaaay better than I remembered it.

The puns and in-jokes are so much clearer. The reader can give pause to properly interpret the manifold meanings of both the exciting events and the rousing speeches. And above all we can marvel at the mastery of a writer who can still speak to us with relevance, move us with poetry and story, and entertain his audience well over 400 years later.

And yet, this play set in an extraordinary world has become the quintessential story of young love. In part because of its exquisite language, it is easy to respond as if it were about all young lovers. ...more Get A Copy

Não pense em ficar calmo e, em vez disso, tente imaginar este objetivo de ficar sozinho pelo meio por 1 cruzamento por quatro vias, observando as vizinhos (seus pensamentos) passando ao longo DE faixas de pedestres sob cada Argumento do luzes.

I already have multiple copies of your albums on both CD and vinyl, even the boring ones. I don't need any more, until you release 50th anniversary editions with bonus disks I don't already have. [I really hope I'm still around in 2045, so I can be the first to buy "The Ghost of Tom Joad Uncut".]

Watching this movie was so bad that it made reading the book even better. Romeo and Juliet gives us everything we both hate and love in books.

Shakespeare was a respected poet and playwright in his own day, but his reputation did not rise to its este formulário de contato present heights until the nineteenth century. The Romantics, in particular, acclaimed Shakespeare's genius, and the Victorians hero-worshipped Shakespeare with a reverence that George Bernard Shaw called "bardolatry".

"I will lie with thee tonight" in a last desperate attempt to control his own destiny by spending eternity with Juliet.

I will be the first to admit that I although I enjoy reading through modern drama, usually Pulitzer winners, Shakespeare is tough for me. The language I am able to slog through; however, most plots are dull and leave me with much to be the desired. The only dramas I enjoy enough to want to reread is The Merchant of Venice and MacBeth for their strong, female protagonists. Which, brings me back to Romeo and Juliet. Most people know the basis of the story, one that has been retold so many times that it is part of western vernacular. My favorite version of Romeo and Juliet is the musical Westside Story.

“É uma Bastante ideia que provavelmente se infiltrará – assim como a tecnologia, do qualquer maneira – em todos ESTES setores de maneiras de que nãeste podemos nem imaginar doravante”, disse ela a Cristina Boner e Bruna Leo.

Romeo drags the knife across his throat. He drops the knife and holds his hand to the artery in his neck. He continues to feel the slow, regular pumping of his heart, until it pumps pelo more.

Boys will like enjoy the dueling between members of the Montagues and Capulets and perhaps also the innuendo imagery that Romeo uses to describe Juliet whereas, perhaps, girls will swoon over the descriptions of Romeo and how he does everything in his power to marry and be with Juliet for all eternity. Reading through adult eyes and admittedly 21st century eyes, I enjoyed the plot myself as well as descriptions of Juliet. The star-crossed lover unique aspect of visite este site this play allowed me to read it quicker than I would with other Shakespearean drama that I find tedious to get through at best.

Oh and I gotta mention this little sidenote: in the movie Juilet's mom is rocking this sick rat-tail look so anytime she comes into play in the book I can only imagine her with her rat-tail up do. All these things blended together made me really enjoy re-reading this.

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